LoanWise LLC


school loans


student loans


college money

At-Risk Schools and Students in 2010
- The Perfect Economic Storm

Default rates are on the rise and will dramatically affect the short-term and long-term success of schools and students.

Recent changes in the student loan landscape puts more pressure on schools to carefully manage their cohort default rates or risk facing sanctions that could lead to losing 100% of federal funding.

At the same time, students are carrying higher debt loads and facing a harder time finding a job in this economy after graduation. Students must have the tools they need to manage their student loans to avoid the serious consequences of defaulting on a federal debt.

LoanWise is here to assist at-risk students and schools in preventing default and navigating through these difficult financial times.

LoanWise utilizes the latest technology and critical outreach programs to contact at-risk students and individually help them avoid default. Our highly trained counselors assist students from the exit interview to late stage delinquency and are dedicated to providing the right information at the right time.

LoanWise will implement a customized default prevention program specific to the needs of your school and students and serve as a dedicated resource to educate students on their options.

LoanWise is here to help you toward a successful financial future.

"What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health, out of debt and has a clear conscience?"
Adam Smith-Economist

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